AI Audit is the equivalent of hiring a Part-Time employee
Trina Dando of South Coast Bookkeeping has a passion for helping people grow their business. She started her career in small business accounting firms and major bookkeeping franchiser’s businesses, helping them build new businesses. But after many years of building bookkeeping businesses for others, started building one for herself. South Coast Bookkeeping specialises in agri-business and assists many family-owned and entrepreneurial businesses save time and money on overheads like labour and productivity.Trina first heard about XBert through a survey conducted by the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers. Always on the look out for innovative bookkeeping tech solutions to improve work efficiencies, Trina was intrigued to know more.She was looking for a way to standardize her practice processes – outside of her own head – and to help streamline her time as her business grew. Trina decided XBert could be the solution to help her support her clients in the best way, while keeping the head count of her practice low.
What XBert does for South Coast Bookkeeping
After loading her first few client files, Trina immediately saw the benefit of the comprehensive list of XBert AI Audit risk alerts.
“The first thing I really liked was the ABN checks. These aren’t the easiest thing to do manually but you do need to keep on top of. Rather than this being a yearly, time-consuming task, it’s something XBert picks up really quickly and can keep on top of as you’re going through the year.”
XBert's AI and machine learning technology and range of risk alerts (or XBerts: eXpert Business aLERTS) helps Trina meet compliance obligations and spot any errors, risks and possible fraud related to Australian Business Numbers (ABNs), Goods and services tax (GST) or unregistered businesses.Auditing the data multiple times a day, XBert automates checks for ABNs, business names, GST registration status, and active or cancelled business registrations. It also cross-checks information on attachments like bills and invoices and monitors the Australian Business Register (ABR) for any changes.
“I realized that XBert was an incredible time saver. I currently have a Part Time employee but I don’t need another one for some time, because of the work XBert helps me get done.”
XBert Workflows have helped Trina achieve her goal of having scalable business practices. Her Template Tasks have standardised practice workflows and ensure consistency of her service offerings across clients. Working with the XBert team, Trina set up her common workflows as Processes in XBert CONNECT and included Template Tasks. These are easily trackable in her Workboard.
“Our Tasks and Processes make work so much easier. Not only do we know exactly what needs to be done and what the process is, onboarding new client sis so simple. And, if/when we do need someone else, onboarding those new team members will be a breeze as well.”
Trina is excited about what the future holds using XBert.
I have nothing but praise for XBert and the team, and I highly recommend every bookkeeper get on and use it.”